Marissa Mayer, VP, Search Products and User Experience at Google confesses to CNN Money that she doesn't use Gmail for her business mail.
"I don't feel overwhelmed with information. I really like it. I use Gmail for my personal e-mail -- 15 to 20 e-mails a day -- but on my work e-mail I get as many as 700 to 800 a day, so I need something really fast.
I use an e-mail application called Pine, a Linux-based utility I started using in college. It's a very simple text-based mailer in a crunchy little terminal window with Courier fonts. I do marathon e-mail catch-up sessions, sometimes on a Saturday or Sunday. I'll just sit down and do e-mail for ten to 14 hours straight."
Pine is a mail program developed at the University of Washington. It has a lot of keyboard shortcuts and countless ways to sort, shuffle, and sift through your email.
Update: Looking for Marissa Mayer's email address? It's