In case anyone is interested, here are some stats from Google Analytics for this blog:
Unique visitors: 1,345,000
Pageviews: 3,400,000
Top referrals:
google [search results]: 27.31% 16.17%
google [referral]: 14.62%
direct: 12.49% 2.14%
Top countries:
US: 46.62%
UK: 7.27%
Canada: 5.90%
India: 3.13%
Australia: 2.57%
Top browsers:
Firefox: 57.89%
IE: 32.67%
Opera: 4.01%
Safari: 3.29%
Mozilla: 1.09%
Top platforms:
Windows: 87.21%
Mac: 7.36%
Linux: 5.08%
Regarding the feed, here's a chart that shows the number of subscribers, courtesy of Feedburner:
Top feed readers*:
Firefox Live Bookmarks
NewsGator Online
Google Desktop
*The list doesn't include Google IG/Reader, My Yahoo, Windows Live.
Most of these numbers are meaningless, but they may show you some behind-the-scene details. Thank you for a great year.