i dunnoe how to start...but today i'm just wanna say dat i'm so sad....
not from da morning since today i got school n i was very enjoy being at school along with my friends.....we laughed a lot n make havoc in class n chatter around...we share many stories together..even today quite tired coz got gotong-royong at school but after finished it, teachers were 'off-teaching' just for today...
after the school finished, i awaited for my dad to come n fetched me...about half an hour later, my dad came n besides him was my mom n my sis inside da car too....
when i wanna enter da car, there was another car from the opposite way dat came....the driver was hesitated whether he wanna continue his driving or let me enter da car 1st...i decided to enter 1st then only i let him through...but suddenly my dad scolded me n my mom too..i was a lil bit shocked..i was tired n all of a sudden i had been scolded...my good mood just fade away n i've been quiet all da way....then, we went to eat..at there, i just remain quiet n never talked at all..i guess my mom knows dat i was moody....when we returned home, i went up stairs, changed my clothes n sleep....
after that, i woke up n saw them were cleaning da living room...n i think my mood is okie d...i said to myself dat i was wrong too..*back to the car incident*..n i can see dat my mom like never talked to me at all n joking2 like always she does...then, my dad who did da cleaning asked me to sweep da floor....n at night, my sis n me had to hang da curtain....i can hear dat my mom like dun wanna answer my question dat i asked to her n she like been forced to answer that n she talked to me in high tone...aigo~~.....dat time really feel wanna cry...huhu
this make me asked myself....is it me da one in the wrong???....huhuhu....when i think about this...i'm very sad n i guess for the whole day, my mood is gone!!..no mood at all!!!.....
that's all for now...still, i feel hurt inside...