Random Tape Art

"The Ghosts in The Machine Series" by irI5...

is absolutely amazing.

(from simplenvrmt & K. Haberbusch)
While searching to find a purpose for the pile of old cassette tapes sitting in the corner of my room, I came across an amazingly talented artist by the name of irI5. irI5 is an artist that brings the old cliché of “one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure” to life. Her collection titled Ghost in the Machine showcases several portraits of musical icons, all made from recycled cassette tapes. irI5, otherwise known as Erika Iris Simmons, has this to say about her inspiration of Ghost in the Machine: “The idea comes from a philosopher’s (Ryle) description of how your spirit lives in your body. I imagine we are all, like cassettes, thoughts wrapped up in awkward packaging.” READ MORE
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