[News] Heading to The Ground U-Know Yunho: 5 Hours Filming Under Water

credit: sharingyoochunwordpress+sarang@blogspot

Today all actors were acting in coordination for shooting directed by Jung Doo-hong, the leader of martial arts stunt team.

According to instruction of Director Jung Doo-hong, two mattress were spread at the bottom. A freezing scene where U-Know Yunho had to jump and plunge down into water with a realistic expression of him was successfully captured.

The young actor U-Know Yunho received a compliment applauses from PD Park Sol-ji and all on-site staffs after he finished the shooting that requires him to throw his whole body into the water.

PD Park Sol-ji said, “I’m impressed as this is the first attempt for him to such stunt act yet Yunho is showing a lot of enthusiasm towards the production.”

source: OSEN News
trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
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