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[RANDOM] just feel to write something..

heyya everybody and all readers!..i'm back!..anyway, i was away for a vacation with beloved family..hehe..we went to cameron highlands..woah..i feel it was a really short holidays..only 2 days and spent one night there..but anyway, it still fun..of course when all the family members are gathered together..hehe..
on the other hand..i'm missing to get back on9..can u guys see it?..i'm totally an internet freak..i feel something is missing if i'm not googling and hara that was so busy downloading songs and happens the same to me..recently i succeed in downloading shinee and 2pm army show..complete..hahaha..i know it's an oldie one but who cares coz i'm totally in shinee and 2pm mode now..hahaha..nickhun and minho really made a great khotboda-namja couple..jaebum and jonghyun really cute..chansung and key are adorable..onew and's too cute to handle and junsu with taemin?..that's hella cute!..hahaha..I LOVE 2PM-SHINEE LOVE!..
anyway guys..i'm sorry coz cannot upload any pics right now since the net really hates me..and poor my lappie coz i haven't shut it down since yesterday..but dun's cool..haha
one more thing..hope it's not too late..congratz to 2pm for being THE BEST ARTISTE OF THE YEAR in MAMA event and our boys, TVXQ! for being the BEST ASIAN ARTIST..and to 2NE1 for grabbing some awards also..anyway, regarding this event, i've read few articles bout SME being uncomfortable and criticize our boys coz of their attendance to the event..aish..SME is really childish i can tell..they work really hard to condemn the boys huh..making many reasons and dramas to burden them..suddenly son dambi's song "CRAZY" is playing in my head..i think that word suits them well..i mean da people who tries their best to hurt the boys..hahaha..
before i go i just wanna say how happy i am when i know i can stay in college for next sem!..yippee!!..nurul, umie and syu!..we will be housemates again!!..hehe