Sister Friends

During the football season I am back on campus at my alma mater, the University of Minnesota, almost every weekend. Each year I get more and more nostalgic about the good 'ol days." I miss living on campus, I miss the late night adventures and I miss the amazing friends I made. I've maintained really good friendships with a pretty good portion of my college friends, but it's not the same. We don't live together anymore. We don't see each other every day and go out every weekend. One of the best decisions I ever made was joining Alpha Omicron Pi my freshman year of college.

I went to the U of M and instantly hated it. I hated living in the dorms, so I moved home and commuted to  school. I thought the campus was too big and there were too many people. How was I ever going to make friends? My Aunt was in a sorority at the 'U' so she and my grandma were pushing me to rush. I had absolutely no interest in sororitys. I thought they were stupid, I had heard all the stereotypes. One of my roommates (for the short time I was in the dorms) decided to rush and so did my very best friend, Libby. Turns out, both of them joined the same house. I would hear their stories and I began to get jealous and curious. Through open recruitment I went bowling with a bunch of the A-O-Pi's. When I think back to the girls that were bowling that day, I laugh, because now half of them are some of my best friends. I ended up signing a bid card three days later and I never looked back.
 All the women I joined with, our senior year during Sweetheart Week

A-O-Pi not only introduced me to some amazing women within the sorority but I also met incredible people who were not in my house. As I mentioned last Thursday, I spent a lot of my time at Delta Chi fraternity. Some of these boys will be my close friends forever and some of their girlfriends (at the time) are and always will be my closest friends.
My non-A-O-Pi girlfriends that I never would have met without A-O-Pi

A-O-Pi gave me a community within the gigantic U of M. I made so many wonderful friends within the Greek community that the school no longer seemed so big. It also gave me a way to get involved and get the most out of college. Plus, my social schedule was so jam packed with fun that college just flew by...which I guess is good and bad. I loved that no matter what I was in the mood to do there was always someone who was in the mood to do it too. I always had a shopping buddy, a date to a movie, or a pal to get drinks. 

I have been missing A-O-Pi so much lately that I have decided to join the Alumnae Advisor Counsel. It's a group of "old" A-O-Pi's and we meet once a month and basically advise the collegiate members. I am going to be the Social Advisor (could not be more excited about that) so I will be the go-to-gal for the chapter's social chair. I will help her with whatever planning/rules/approval she needs to organize formals and exchanges. I will also chaperone and/or find chaperones for the events. I am so excited to get re-involved! Plus, a couple of my really close friends are on the AAC which means I get to see them at least once a month no matter what, which is a definite bonus!

If any of you wonderfully crazy sister friends are reading this....I love you. I miss you. And thanks for some of the best memories that I will never forget!
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