
I am SO excited! We are taking our engagement pictures this weekend! I cannot wait! I have told you all about our amazing photographer (Sara Jayne) before, but in case you're new or missed it read about how cool she is: HERE!

I stalked her facebook page to show you some of the amazing engagement pics she has taken in the past, hopefully these couples don't think I'm completely creepy, but I just had to show you this amazingness!

To see more of Sara Jayne's incredible work, visit her website

So here's where I need your advice...I have complete and total faith in Sara Jayne, I know she will take absolutely stunning photos, what I am worried about is me and J. We're both relatively photogenic, but we've never done a shoot before. I am worried the pictures won't be as amazing when it's me and J in them and I am looking at them with an uber-critical eye. So, I need some advice.

What did you ladies do or not do, or like or not like when it came to taking your engagement pictures?

Any advice on what to wear or what not to wear (for both me and J)?

What about outfit changes? How many changes did you do? How many locations did you shoot?

Ahhh! I am so excited and so nervous! Give me anything you've got!
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