Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: Fitness

1. Do you keep some kind of fitness routine? Why?
I don't really have a routine as such, I am more of a "exercise when I feel like it" kind of person. I have to really be in the mood to exercise! You could say that I do have some kind of routine as I go to soccer training every Tuesday and play my Game every Sunday. I feel that if I have a routine I will just get bored and if you miss one day, you feel so depressed and disappointed in yourself! Time comes into play as well. At this point in my life I am  very busy, it is hard to keep on track with fitness!

2. Has working out, maybe training for a marathon or something of that nature, helped with your own perception of body image?
I have not experienced this. Every girl has their own perception of their own body image, I am happy the way I am. You only live once, and I want to make every second count and not waste precious time worrying that I am not good enough!

3. When you are hitting the gym or just going out for a long walk what do you wear? Is it about functionality or fashion?
I'd like to say a bit of both. I spend a very minimal amount on work out clothes. My view is that they are just going to get all sweaty and gross, so what's the point? I don't know anyone that looks attractive sweaty, so what's the point of having pretty clothes when you feel all gross! Another factor that comes into this is comfort! I would much rather be comfortable when exercising, than looking good!

4. Do you feel there is a cultural perception of what you ‘should’ be doing for your own physical fitness?
I know where I live a lot of people have recently joined gyms. People ask me, Why don't you join a gym? Just because I don't go to a gym 4 times a week, doesn't mean I don't exercise or like exercising. My outlook is, why pay gym fees when I can go for a for free?

5.  Dream big… what would be your ultimate fitness goal.

I really want to increase my motivation towards fitness. I am not in it to lose weight, rather to become fit. 

Here are some sporty outfits that I would wear when working out! 

Outfit 1

Outfit 2

Check out some more responses to these questions here.
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