Major Weekend

Woah, this weekend was BIG.

Friday night we went out to bid farewell to J's younger brother Travis.

Trav is joining the marines and left for boot camp this morning. J and Trav are really close and I know it's hard for both of them to know they won't see each other and won't be able to talk to each other for 3 months! We are so proud of Trav and know that this is going to be an amazing chapter of his life. But boy are we going to miss him!

While we were out with Travis I got a phone call from one of my best high school buddies, Megan (I call her Pinky). and SHE IS ENGAGED!!!!!!!! I could not be more excited for her and her new fiance Jerome!

Also on Friday, two of my dear friends from college got married!!! They had their wedding in Jamaica and I was crushed that J and I weren't able to go, but I've already heard from friends who were there that is was amazing!!! I am anxiously awaiting some pictures!

Aren't they adorable?!

THEN, yesterday, J and I had our engagement shoot with Sara Jayne Photography! We had soooo much fun! Thank you all for your sweet comments on Friday! I took all your advice and suggestions to heart and they really helped settle my nerves. Sara and her fiance John were beyond amazing, granted we got some special treatment because we're friends but they really went above and beyond! We ended up doing 4 outfits and took pics at 5 different locations. Sara showed me some of the pictures as we went along and I am seriously OBSESSED! I cannot wait to see all of the images and of course share them with you!
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