Recipe: Healthier American pancakes / Zdravije Američke palačinke

You will need / Trebaće vam:

 - 1 glass of cottage cheese or some other low fat cheese /1 čaša cottage sira ili nekog drugog manje masnog sira, npr. Ella

 - 1 glass of minced oat flakes /1 čaša mlevenih ovsenih pahuljica

 - 3 egg whites + 1 egg /3 belanceta + 1 jaje

 - cinnamon /cimet

 - vanilla /vanila

How to prepare / Kako pripremiti:

Blend all of these ingredients and bake on griddle. 

When you finish baking you can eat it with some strawberries, blueberries, almonds, nuts.....  
It's really delicious and it's better version of American pancakes, it's healthier and, I have to say, REALLY tasty!

Izblendajte sve ove sastojke i pecite na griddle ploči na grilu.
Kada ispečete, gotove palačinke možete jesti sa jagodama, borovnicama, bademima, orasima.....
Fantasticno je! I ovo je bolja verzija od Američkih palačinki, zdravije je i, moram priznati, JAKO ukusno!

P.S. There will be more healthy recepies, low carbs recepies, low calories recepies, and more :) If you have any request, please leave in comment :)

P.S. Biće još postova sa zdravim receptima, low carbs receptima, niskokaloričnim receptima, i još mnogo toga :) Ako imate neki zahtev i želite neki recept, obavestite me u komentarima :)

xoxo Jelena
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