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  • rainydays
    Nov 7, 10:35 AM
    Oh well. I won't have the money to buy it until next week anyway.
    But it would be nice to have some specs to drool over until then ;)

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  • kas23
    Mar 25, 07:49 PM
    A study was done which showed that since the advent of online dating reported cases of people on the autistic spectrum increased; it's thought that the people who spent most of their time online were able to find partners and procreate, without having to do the whole rigmarole of courting, flirting, etc.

    A little off topic, but that study sounds so horribly biased and based on such seriously flawed logic on so many levels, that I fine myself baffled that someone could even come up with such a conclusion. I'm sure they ignored the age of people dating online, if they were still even able to procreate (since online daters are usually older), potential problems with having children at an older age (such as genetic mutations, premature labor), other reasons for the increase in autism (such as increased awareness or more refined diagnostic testing), environmental factors, geez the list of confounders is endless.

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  • funnyent
    Nov 2, 09:32 PM
    I think one of the main reasons Apple won't allow flash is because of Video. They don't want Hulu and other free movie sites competing with iTunes for the iPhone. At&t would also go crazy knowing that sites like UStream and Cnn live could stream live video over their network. Agree?

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  • lbro
    Oct 24, 10:19 PM
    Hackintosh housed insed a powermac G5 enclosure + Apple LED 27" + 15" late 2009 macbook pro.

    Wow, very clean setup, how do you do that? I can't even keep my desk clean for 5 minutes!

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  • drlunanerd
    Sep 12, 01:41 PM
    Gapless playback.

    w00t OMG LOL etc.


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  • skunk
    Oct 27, 01:25 PM
    I don't get people who avoid important updates.Perhaps you've never been burned by one. I have. There's nothing worse than immediately downloading an update, then suddenly finding that a whole lot of things are broken that worked perfectly well before. Then you go to Macfixit and find reams of posts from other people in the same boat. Being wary of Rev A models doesn't only apply to hardware...

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  • MacRuler
    Mar 28, 08:35 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    ive been waiting for this iphone upgrade for like 9 months. dont get me wrong i am very VERY excited for lion and iOS 5 but an iphone 5 is what i need. comon apple im ready to give you all my money!

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  • zivilist
    Jul 2, 05:13 PM
    If I want a touchscreen based computer, I buy a iPad.
    I can't imagine that you can work very productive if you must/can
    switch from Mac OS X to iOS and vise versa in iMac.

    It is important that Apple produce iMacs with a quad and hexacore processors (also for smaller displays)
    and faster graphic cards build in. It is okay, that Apple has a (one!) slow and very energy efficient iMac in portfolio for classical office environment.

    All other competitors has faster computers in the portfolio, so why not Apple?
    The Mac Pro is not a solution for that issue (XEON processor, price, other application area).
    iMac for rendering purposes and games today? Not really.

    What is with USB 3.0 and SSDs in iMac? It is time Apple...

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  • kage207
    Nov 3, 12:15 AM
    In the 2 years I've had an iPhone, I haven't once visited a website that has needed Flash. Personally I really don't care if the iPhone gets it or not. It does the sites I need.

    All this is, is Apple thinking it knows better than the consumer, a Steve Jobs mentality. I like his thinking but I'd like to see an actually push by Apple to make things better then.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Oct 27, 05:52 AM
    Seems weird that a hardware problem is being solved by a software fix? :confused:

    How can a firmware update stop a wire shorting the circuit?

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  • Asian Girl Wallpaper

  • fixyourthinking
    Aug 3, 06:54 AM
    I totally agree with you and I blame the Washington Post for the initial insanity. The headline and article made it sound as if the MacBook was the problem and not the third-party device driver. Obviously, there is a security hole that needs to be addressed by vendors like Apple, but this isn't an Apple hardware problem.

    I may have beeen initially too dismissive of the article, but that's because of the sudden yellow tint to all the articles regarding Macintosh security. The tech-press is ready to wet themselves the moment a Macintosh hole is discovered and far too many people, offended by the Get A Mac commercials, have their long knives sharpened and are just waiting for the opportunity to use them. Some were so quick on the draw I suspect they merely read the headline.

    The problem is that it was also from a third party device driver from something that almost ZERO people will use with MacBooks ... a USB to wireless adapter. Further, the driver for the third party device had to be installed "PRIOR" to the hack and then also had to access the wireless access point via the terminal ... who does that? And how many people just have the terminal open?

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  • Drag'nGT
    Mar 29, 09:44 AM
    I hope that iOS5 is as good as we all expect. More options for voice integration would be oh so welcome. Let me listen to and respond to email and texts while driving (huge wish). But seriously, it's the one thing I'll say MS did well with their Sync technology. It is such a pleasant experience to use my iPhone in the car like that. If the phone can take even more commands from my voice I'll be ecstatic.

    Add free MobileMe and Apple will be set. I bet they need that double sized data center in NC we've heard about to pull this off.

    Wow, my hopes are high!

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  • bill4588
    Oct 27, 08:34 AM
    this update as worked great for me so far! I was having random shutdowns at least 5 times a day and I haven't had one since last night. I also notice that my macbook is cooler (around 35 degrees C), and that's with about 6 programs open. Normally it would be around 60....and after hearing other people say that the built-in speakers are louder, it seems like mine are too....but that's probably all in my head.

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  • darthraige
    May 5, 10:05 AM
    Doubt it, considering there is no demand for 3D crap yet.

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  • skunk
    Oct 27, 08:59 AM
    Mine runs at 18-23C. 40C under heavy load. And that's pre-firmware.

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  • bikertwin
    Sep 7, 12:28 PM
    Surely Apple can't combine everything into something like

    Or can they?

    I normally don't pay attention to Apple patent applications, but this one's a doozie!

    Everything from 100% full screen to virtual keys, to selecting different modalities depending on orientation(!), to sensitivity to force of touch, to squeezing, to miniDVD drive, to ....

    WOW! :eek:

    Or maybe it's really the iTablet? Larger form factor than an iPod? They talk about various operating systems. Maybe it'll be OS X?

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  • skunk
    Oct 27, 04:51 AM
    Same here.. my MB started shutting down after updating to 10.4.8 (and the fan firmware update I think) It would shut down when I would just start her up.. or, as you mentioned.. after several hours of use. I formatted the drive and reinstalled 10.4.6.. but shutdowns continued. Weird.I read somewhere that starting up produces an early peak of stress and heat before it settles down again. This might explain why it either happens very early on OR when the machine has warmed up generally.

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  • DJinTX
    Mar 25, 04:51 PM
    This is almost the exact post I wrote yesterday on the last 4.3 update thread. It is driving ne nuts. And I'm sure I was able to distinguish between texts and emails before. I'm filing it under bug too.

    Mr. Hatbasket and MacFreak:

    In case you are curious, I just had my wife text me (I have 3G3 running iOS 4.3) and I set my phone to vibrate. When she texted, it only vibrated once. So I'm guessing there is a setting that isn't working for you. Since you are saying that you know several people this is happening to, then I doubt it would be a file corruption issue.

    I hope this helps.

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  • mscriv
    Apr 7, 02:12 PM
    "Jesus the Son of God" derives his very legitimacy through the alleged fulfilling of Old Testament prophecies. For a Christian to "avoid reading the old testament" is surely to deny his paternity.

    Excellent point Skunk and I agree completely. Believers should make it priority to read and understand all of God's word, but unfortunately, like anything in life, sometimes we avoid what we find difficult , what we don't understand, or what we don't enjoy.

    The sad fact is that many people who profess to be followers of Jesus don't spend the amount of time in the Bible that they should. It's not just an old vs. new testament thing it's a reading and studying the Bible at all thing. I know I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know as we have discussed it before in other threads. Christians who don't understand or know their faith well sometimes do more harm than good by spreading misinformation. If they would actually deepen their relationship with God through consistent time in his word then they would be a better representation of the truth the scriptures lay out.

    However, I should point out that faith is a growing process. The goal is that people will mature in their faith over time as they grow in knowledge of and relationship with the Lord. I am not discouraged by new believers who are just starting out on in their walk with Christ. It's the long time believers who have neglected God's word or chosen to adhere to tradition over revealed truth that frustrate me.

    Aug 4, 03:54 PM
    Augh, I was hoping they would redesign the G5 case. Its been 3 years!! Cmon apple, stop milking old designs. I think this is the first time that Apple hasnt changed the look of the case when going to a new processor (theyve even changed cases when NOT changing processors...)


    Remember the beige G3's? When Jobs first came back, he put the 233 G3's into the same beige boxes the old 604's were in so that they could be released sooner.

    Mar 29, 07:55 PM
    I would love to have better voice commands! It's a pain to look at my phone while driving to do anything.

    Mar 14, 04:42 PM
    i was checking most best buy stores in california and only found one store in the state that has 17 in stock...and some stores were out of stock for the high end 15in... pretty sure this can be said for most of the best buy chain

    if the refresh doesnt happen this 16 dont see it happening till 2 weeks after the pad and thats a month of lost sales and i doubt apple wants that

    Aug 2, 09:57 PM
    How can a completely B.S. story like this make it on the front page? :confused:

    Can someone explain that to me? :mad:

    Apr 14, 10:04 AM
    My heart belongs to thinkpads :p
    love iphones, itouches, and ipads though

    Seriously though, not surprising at all considering that Macs (along with Thinkpads) are the best in the industry and people clearly know it.

    I wonder if after a certain period of time and after enough market share is gained, viruses and malaware will start attacking mac os...

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