My non-sensible outfit

I have no fingers or toes left! They have all frozen off!! Not really, but it is so cold here! I thought I was going to freeze to death today! And what I ended up wearing was not sensible, although I never realised how cold it was going to be! This khaki dress has become a wardrobe staple for me, as many people have been saying, the maxi dress is the new track pants! Only more stylish! I did get one thing right, I wore my boots, that I wear socks underneath, so at least my feet were warm, as for the rest of my body, not so much! Should of added a scarf or something! 

I have a presentation tomorrow at University so my post today will be shorter, I need to practice! I get really nervous when I have to make speeches in class! I'm not sure why, I just always have! Hopefully I won't get too nervous! My University semester is almost over! I can almost taste the freedom! 

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