
Today was a busy day.

I will start with last night. We had a delicious dinner, the first steak of the year cooked on the BBQ, homemade mashed potatoes and this spinach-like plant plucked from the woods around a friend's home. Absolutely delicious. After that, we watched the movie Annie, and then Despicable Me. The power went out at 11:45pm, a scheduled one, so we had everything turned off by then. The only problem is, because I'm still in the process of painting Felicity's bedroom, I don't want her sleeping in there. Which means she's sleeping with Chris and I. Last night wasn't all that bad, except we were all up well past midnight. We had a little camp-out in the living room, moving the couches together making a larger sleeping space. It was a lot of fun, and with the flickering light of the candles we lit, it was a cool night.

This morning, we had a lazy start to the day, with Mommy cheating and making Eggo's instead of real waffles or pancakes, but it was good anyway. Just when I had gathered enough energy up to continue painting, both Felicity and I got whisked away to the beach. It was a lot of fun, and I got some amazing photo's out of it, some of which I will share right now. This first shot, is of Felicity's bunny. She's had it literally since before she was born, after I received it as a gift for the baby when I was about six months pregnant. She takes it everywhere, and it is her security blanket, for lack of a better term. I usually try and take a picture of bunny when we go on an outing, just because I think it will be nice for us to have these pictures later on.

Now, before I show you the others, I have to say that most of the pictures I will be sharing are right out of the camera. Meaning, I have done ZERO editing on them. I love to take pictures, but I lack the patience and the time to sit down at my photoshop and mess with them. Plus, I'm a perfectionist, and things are rarely what I deem to be sharing quality, whereas if I just plug them into here straight from the camera, I'm less bothered by the imperfections. Even professional photographers take some crummy pictures, which is good for the rest of us, hah!

This is at one of the beaches we went to, and Felicity has had this thing with rocks lately. She just likes to collect rocks, and here she was trying to copy our friend Coral as she skipped rocks. If you look close, you can see the rock in the air before it hits the water, which I thought was pretty cool. My camera is always pretty shifty, so you never know what kind of pictures it's going to give you. I've had awesome photos, and I've had some very poor ones that could have been cool. It's amazing what a fresh change of batteries can do for electronics!

This is a different throwing rock, but I am so pleased that my camera was able to catch the kerplunk of the rock hitting the water. As a side note, I can't believe how red Felicity's hair looks in these pictures. As I look at her right now, her hair looks blonde. It's so amazing.

Another shot that I myself can't believe my wishy-washy camera captured. I think my favorite part, besides the cool "tunnel" of water as it breaks, is the lone seagull on the log just... chillin'.
I just love this picture. Obviously, it's two baby foxes. We saw them as we came down the hill towards South Beach, and one of their siblings was in the middle of the road eating something off of the pavement. We saw four kits total, but there may have been more in the bushes. On our way back from the beach, we saw either the mama or the papa fox ushering the babies away and into the tall grass away from the road. What cuties!
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