AM I THE THIRD PARTY?? i the 3rd party in this friendship??
i dunnoe...i just feel that way..sometimes...i will feel like...
"both of them like to friend with me or not?"
"am i just a disturbance for them?"
lately...the feeling getting stronger...
kinda sad coz if one of them have stories to tell..
sure, they will just discuss among them two..
after a few days later only i know what happen actually...'s kinda complicated....
i know both of them really gud frens of mine...but.....
the way they care and pay attention to me when i'm talking..
seriously, very2 different from my old friends...
they are very attentive and sensitive with each other feelings....
these "new" good frens...sometimes they will ignore my quest just like dat..
feel very hurt when come to that part.....
but i just like.."owh, maybe they din heard what i asked.."
so, i will...ok..never mind...
but they have do this several of times already.....still..i have my patience..
erm, maybe..if i have reach my limit....i will day........

-i just feel hurt-
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