We rented this pole barn in Cleveland, GA in 1997 when we moved from New York. We needed a place to store all of Bart's cars, tools, parts and our furniture while our house was being built.
Our first customer, Gary Thompson, brought us his Morris Minor pickup truck and his Austin Healey Bugeye. That started the ball rolling! Gary is a member of an Atlanta sports car club and soon the word had spread.
We started in this building which had several spot lights, one water spigot, and no heat. Thanks to Bart's 1st partner, Len Norris, we soon had insulation on the walls, a lowered ceiling, and a closed off 2nd floor area for storage.
There was very little to see at the front door then. The dirt road and driveway made for lots of dust.
Throughout the years, we have added on an office, heat, plumbing, new wall coverings, and lots more electric.
This office filled up in a hurry. It also houses a lathe which Bart uses to make parts which are no longer available.
Bart has a passion for posters of cars, motorcycles, races we've attended or participated in. They made a great display of his loves and interests.
We're running out of room for posters. Guess we'll have to add on again!
The 71 year "young" original owner of this 1962 Morgan still races it! It's never been on the street, only on the tracks!