(from Wiki)
BraveStarr is an American space Western animated television series. The original episodes aired from September 1987 to February 1988 in syndication. It was created simultaneously with a collection of action figures. BraveStarr was the last animated series produced by Filmation and Group W Productions that was broadcast. "Bravo!", a spin-off series (originally called "Quest of the Prairie People") was in production along with "Bugzburg" when the studio closed down. READ MORE
There is just something so incredibly wrong (and right?) about a space Western featuring a Native-American and a talking horse, protecting (what I assume is...) the last civil parts of America, New-Texas, from space invading weirdos...
I don't even wanna touch whats socially wrong with this show, but just thinking that Bravestarr has spirit animal powers that are:
"Eyes of the Hawk: Enhances his vision and can also grant him an aerial view of the surrounding area.
Ears of the Wolf: Gives him super-hearing.
Strength of the Bear: Gives him super-strength.
Speed of the Puma: Gives him super-speed."
It's gotta just be down right awful!