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I guess we don't get to see that freaky old man dance around anymore...

(from NYDailyNews)
New York-based amusement park giant Six Flags declares bankruptcy
The amusement park company Six Flags sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Saturday, saying it needs to reorganize and shed $1.8 billion of debt. Mark Shapiro, the New York-based company's chief executive officer, said the move won't affect the operation of its 20 theme parks in 11 states, Mexico and Canada. Six Flags says it actually had a great year in 2008. It saw 25 million visitors and posted record revenues. But executives are trying to lighten a $2.4 billion debt load they say is unsustainable. READ MORE

I wonder what they'll do with all the animals in the Wild Safari

We need to save Six Flags... it's like The Max in Saved By The Bell
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