every now and then,
we find a special friend,
who never let us down,
who understand it all,
reaches out each time you fall,
you're the best friend that i've found.
i don't need eyes to see,
the love you bring to me,
no matter where i go,
and i know that you'll be there,
forever more a part of me,
you're everywhere,
i'll always care..
aizamia's note:
-one of my dearest friends wrote for me this in a card during my birthday when i was in form....errr..seems that i cannot recall it..but i came across this when i sat down and cleaning up my treasures..hehe..i never throw anything that related to my friends like cards and etc..izzatul, thanks for being my friend and sorry if sometimes that u feel i don't remember u or ignore u or forget u..but one thing for sure..i always treasure our friendship and i'm glad that u never forget me..^^
until one day, surely will meet u again..=)