JJ's Coffee Comapny and Wine Bar

Last night J and I met my best friend and her significant other at a place in Eden Prairie called JJ's Coffee Company & Wine Bar. We wanted to scope it out and see how the handle doing coffee and wine because that is something we really want to do with Coffee Buzz in the future.

The place was really nice. They had a larger wine selection than I was expecting and did quite a bit of food as well. Check out their menu here! Our waitress had been with the shop since it opened 7 months ago. It was so reassuring hearing about their slow times and also hearing about the success they are now having. J and I both each got an espresso drink and a glass of wine. Their espresso was very good, very smooth. Per and Libby split a flatbread pepperoni pizza that they were very happy with. I'd say JJ's probably does the Beer & Wine in a larger scale than what we would do but it was great to see how they do it and that they're succeeding at it. So, if you're ever in the EP are and have absolutely no way to get to Coffee Buzz, I suggest you check out JJ's.
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