2010 has been one for the books. This year has been filled with trials and tribulations. It has been a challenging year and an extremely exciting year. I should have known that with the way this year started it was going to be amazing. We threw a last second party together and it just so happened our 6 closest friends were free. It was without a doubt the best New Year's I've ever had and was a perfect way to set the tone for the year to come.
In March, with the help of my family, we took a leap of faith and started a business. March 1st, 2010 will always be the day we opened Coffee Buzz's doors. It has been an unbelievable experience so far. It's be so exciting and hard and stressful and gratifying and scary and just all around consuming. I think overall our first year was a success and I am optimistic that 2011 will bring great things for Coffee Buzz.

Along with the rest of Minnesota we got to celebrate the opening of our brand new baseball field, Target Field. J and I were lucky enough to go to several Twins games at the new stadium and felt so lucky to be apart of such a big event in Minnesota history!

In May, I was lucky enough to take a three day trip to New York City with my mom! We shopped, ate way too much and fulfilled one of her longtime dreams of seeing Bon Jovi in concert! It was a trip to remember!

I was also lucky enough to be a part of three weddings this year. In May I was a bridesmaid in my friend Brianna's wedding.

I was the Maid of Honor in my mom's wedding AND gained a step-dad and two step-sisters!

Then, just last month I got to dance the night away at one of my best guy friend's wedding.
This year also marked a huge milestone for me! I went from absolutely hating running (well, I still sort of do) to running my very first 5k. It was a huge accomplishment for me and it was really fun!
It was also a huge year for J because he turned 30!!! I threw a huge party for him and made sure to make this milestone good and celebrated! It was such a fun week! 

And, of course, this is the year that my best friend and love of my life asked me to be his wife! For this reason 2010 will always be so special! 9/2/10 was the best day of my life and I CANNOT wait to walk down the aisle in 2011!