Random Sucker Punch

I think Zach Snyder has officially combined every action film genre...

I see dragons, vampires, nazi germany and a samurai matrix.

(from LATimes)
COMIC-CON 2010: Zack Snyder's 'Sucker Punch' goes for grrrl power
Zack Snyder, perhaps best known as the director of the musclebound movie "300," is getting in touch with his feminine side with "Sucker Punch." The movie, due out in March, is based on an original script that Snyder co-wrote with Steve Shibuya. The concept, which had been germinating for eight years, involves five girls who use their imaginations to escape an insane asylum, Snyder told the audience Saturday afternoon at Comic-Con. As with "300," the movie features hyper-stylized fighting sequences in which the female characters -- Baby Doll, Amber, Sweetpea, Rocket and Blondie -- slash, hack and kick their way past horrific monsters and lecherous men. Snyder drenches the movie in a sepia tone similar to "300," but adds a splash of the burlesque, a dose of steampunk and a whiff of Nazi Germany to the movie's fantastical settings.
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