Is the grass greener on the other side?

Is the grass really greener on the other side? We like to think so. Human nature acts almost irrationally in the way in which it forces us believe that if only our circumstances were different, we could achieve our highest potential.  We spend so much of our lives wondering what could be rather than focusing on what we can we do in our current situation or position to enhance our opportunities for success, and as a result, we sometimes miss the opportunities that wave silently in our faces. Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers spends much time on this theme within his novel. Sometimes we just got to buckle down and do with the best we have got. Naturally, we remember all the good times; a holiday on the beach or a picnic in the park - the past remembers the fun. Many find it hard to focus on the positives of the present and are quick to attach negative meaning. Being negative is easy - all you need to do it say "no", and that's the end of it - a dead end street with nowhere to turn. It is all about the psychology. The trouble is that the greener patch of grass that we cannot seem to grow implies that we wants thing that we do not have. Most people value what they want or hope to achieve in the future rather than what they have in the present.  You can waste away the goodness of life by focusing on the lack of.  The past is hard to get to, the future will come with time, but when you live in the present, you make good use of your assets.  
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