Drunk in Croatia, or, A Quantum Leap Through Time

Hello, friends. I've had a few pints tonight here in beautiful Split, Croatia, and I feel compelled to throw up a quick post asking you to power through the lulls and keep reading. But in order to do that, we must hop into the Delorean and take a quantum leap through time and space, to October 8, 2008.

"Where we're going, we don't NEED roads!"

Last you read, it was September, and I was biking around Berlin. How did I get to the Croatian coast so quickly, you ask? Well, by skipping over Dresden, Prague, Vienna, Budapest and Zagreb, where at least a few mildly amusing things happened.

But fear not, loyal readers. You'll hear all about my wacky wanderings in these little towns soon enough. I just wanted to provide a preview of things to come, lest you lose interest and start reading the rest of the rubbish strewn about the Internet.

So look forward to tales of carpet bombings, the myth of absinthe's hallucinogenic properties, bowling, coffee, absurd stereotypes about the former Soviet bloc, Renaissance fairs, naked Hungarian men, scantily clad Swedish women, foot-slicing shorelines and more. You won't want to miss it.

See you in the past!


Won't you wait just a wee bit longer?
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