On the train from Budapest to Zagreb (Croatia, soon to be revealed as the happiest place on Earth), I encounter a Hungarian student at an American Bible School in Hungary (there has to be a less clumsy way of wording that).
Not only a student of the Word of God, this genteel and optimistic young lad is also a student of words in general, fancying himself something of a poet. We speak for only a few moments, but from these few moments I learn a great deal about Hungarian culture.
- Ridiculous as the Magyar language may be, Hungarians at large LOVE language and poetry. Or they did, at least, until Hollywood killed it. Don't worry, I tell my faithful chum, God will smite Hollywood soon enough.
- Hungary's economy is currently in a shitty state.
- Hungary's economy is, and will continue to be, in such a shitty state because Hungarian girls are way too hot for the men to get anything done (this is coming from a man of the cloth, so it's got to be true).
I don't get the chance to share much about American culture with Father So-and-So, but I do admit that if I ever need proof of the existence of God, I need only go so far as a discotheque in Budapest on a Saturday night.
That said, I'm happy to get away from all this carnal temptation for a while.
Good Lord.