[random] tagged by icca~


The rules:
Choose a singer/band/group.
Answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group.
Tag your friends (let them know they've been tagged).
Once tagged, you gotta do it too.

My choice: TVXQ!

1. Male or female?
- HEY! GIRL..lolx

2. Describe yourself
- i'll be there..

3. What do people feel when they're around you?
- my destiny..haha

4. How would you describe your previous relationship?
- white lies..

5. Describe your current relationship.
- doushite kimi wo suki ne natte shimattandarou??

6. Where would you want to be now?
- summer dream..

7. How do you feel about love?
- survivor *love makes people survive*..hehe

8. What's your life like?
- begin...*wanna start new chapter*

9. What would you ask for if you had only one wish?
- forever love..

10. Say something wise.
- whatever they say....lolx

tagging everyone that in my lists..hehehe
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