Random Stewart Crossfire

In 2004 Jon Stewart appeared on CNN's 'Crossfire' to attack the media...

his appearance, while genius, hasn't really done much to change television partisan hackery (*although he did tank 'Crossfire'). Jon Stewart is the man and everything he says in the above video is still true today; the man is on a nightly Comedy Central show that is more important to the folks in Washington than CNN.

(from Wiki)
*In January 2005, CNN announced that it was canceling Crossfire. When asked about the cancellations, CNN/US' incoming President, Jonathan Klein, referenced Stewart's appearance on the show: "I think he made a good point about the noise level of these types of shows, which does nothing to illuminate the issues of the day." Soon after, Stewart quipped on The Daily Show that "I fought the law, and the law lost!" READ MORE

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