Day 2, Paris: Not Feeling So Haute, or, I Wish I Had Brought Cooler Outfits

First, just to get it out of the way: yes, Parisians are fashionable. I can't say I'm surprised that folks living in the vortex of haute couture know how to throw an outfit together. What does surprise me, however, is just how stylish the modern backpacker can be. It was my understanding that if one wanted to live out of a backpack for any considerable length of time, one had to check his or her sense of style at customs. Convertible pants and moisture-wicking shirts are not exactly the apex of fashion, after all.

But these kids, they must have skipped that chapter of the backpacking handbook, because there are some debonair cats here at Young & Happy. I'm talking skinny jeans, weird screenprinted tees, Chuck Taylors as far as the eye can see, even accessories. Who packs accessories?

Being the resourcefully dapper fellow that I am, I'm sure I'll be able to throw something club-worthy together in a pinch. I'll just have to use an impressionist's stroke. Nylon looks much better from afar.

In other obvious news, street food in this town is ridiculous. Crepes, paninis, croissants, pizza, kebabs, all of it relatively cheap and absurdly delicious. I don't know how I survived this long without crepes.

I'm apparently a big hit with some Argentinians (below), who have taken to shouting "JOEY!" upon seeing me. I may have to add a South American leg to the tour.

Finally, I met some cool cats in a punk rock band from Seattle and told them I'd link to their MySpace page. They're called The Plankton Beat, and I doubt the four of you reading this would really be into them, but if you ever see their names on a marquee, pay the $5 and let 'em keep drinking.

That's all for now.

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