few days back~
i dreamt about syahiran..
syahiran is a dongsaeng in my school..he juz form 5 this year..and he's kinda cold person actually..
it's a weird dream..coz in dat dream, in front of me a boy told him dat i like him..omg!..it felt so real..but he juz smile and said..alah, biasa lah tuh..i was like..wth!..of course shy ma..then i started feel like..uiks..why he so nice one?..always he's not like this..ok..then i woke up...haha..lol..
today..is da 1st day in fasting month..
woah..so excited..and today..my parents, my sister n i wen t to shopping..
bought a lot of stuff like shoes, sandals, candies, n few others...
although it's tired but it's fun!..
luckily tomorrow still holiday..can rest at home..keke..
aish..i thought today wanna buy 30 days of night movie but i din find da dvd..aigo~
ohya..tomorrow got night market..ask my dad to buy one..hehe..
and when i'm typing this post down..
i'm watching again dbsk variety shows..
miss them too much already..haha..
till then..