has been tagged~

-This or That-

Flower or Chocolate
--> chocolate..choc can be eaten..lol

Pepsi or Coke
--> pepsi..coke to gassy..hahaha

Pop or Rock
--> pop but rock rocks my sockz too..hahaha

Relationship or One Night Stand
--> relationship la yang oi..hahaha

School or Work
--> school..can play..hahaha

Love or Money
--> can i have both?..if no money..love also can turn to hate..hahahaha

Movies or Music
--> aish..both are my addictions ler..how to choose?..haha

Country or City
--> country..=)

Sunny days or Rainy days
--> rainny..sunny?..terbakar kulit gua..haha

Friends or Family
--> what about u?..can u choose??

-Have you ever-

--> never..hate smokers tho..lol

Broke someone’s heart
--> dun think so..

Had your heart broken
--> so far..nope..

Wish you were a prince/princess
--> sometimes..frog princess boleh la..haha

Liked someone who was taken
--> is jaejoong taken?..hahaha

Shaved your head
--> haha..short..yes..but shave?..hell no!

Been in love
--> i love him but does he love me?..erm....lol

Used chopsticks
--> yeap..when eating maggee...hehehe

Sang in the mirror to yourself
--> sometimes..lol


--> all types..*habis rongak gigi i*..hahaha

--> that nice to hear lah..hehe

--> ermmmmm

Musical Instrument
--> how i wish i can play the piano or the keyboard..lol

--> horror, romance, thriller..aish..can say all lah..hehehe

--> i love people who can act..hahaha

Junk food
--> hahaha..my addiction sia~

--> cat, rabbit, iguana..aish..as long as it's cute and easy to pet it..hehe

Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself
--> i wanna get rid of my lazines, dammit!..*i know..it's all about determination..but mine is quite low ler..*..huhu

Do you think you’re attractive
--> do u?

You had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose
--> prefer to create my own fairytale so i can tell to my grandchildren later..=)

Do you play any sports?
--> yeap..tabletennis and badminton..lol

tagged anyone?
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