Day 23 (cont'd), Budapest: Free Ska at the Youth Center, or, Hungarian Teens Love To Skank It Up

3 October 2008

Hajj, our friendly British hostel drone who has nothing better to do than hang out with fucking backpackers, accompanies us to a free concert. A free ska concert. Remember ska?

Yes, this was actually kind of cool at one point. Wait, no it wasn't.

For those of you who forget, ska is what happens when kids in the high school band smoke weed in their parents basement and think, hey, I bet we'd get way more ass if we started our own band and wore cheap thrift store suits.

"Stars and Stripes Forever"

The name of this particular ska band is Paso Soundsystem, and as free ska shows go, this one is actually pretty good.

Without missing a beat, I am 15 years old again, skankin' the night away while self-consciously hoping that all the cute teenyboppers surrounding me don't think I look like a poseur.

Stop judging me!

Speaking of cute teenyboppers, this place is crawling with them. It's enough to make one wonder whether Hungary has liberal statutory laws.

Good as the concert is, it makes me wonder: did the Hungarians just get ska? Or were they simply waiting for the Americans to weed out the riff raff? (I'm looking at you, Reel Big Fish.)

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