Random 3-D Movies

Is it just me or is every movie that comes out now in 3-D...

whats up with that? Seriously.

I mean I get the appeal of trying to make a ordinary movie extra(ordinary) but isn't this an old trick we've tried before... Matter of fact we tried it several times and then it goes away because we tend to over do it. So, can I be the first to say "STOP!"

Dear Hollywood,

I know that you will eventually go TOO far when you make Transformers 5 in 3-D which will give a small child an epileptic seizure resulting in some horrible lawsuit. Do yourself a favor and tone it down now so we in the media don't have to suffer through the nonsense.

Hate Random Da' God IV

Damint Hollywood, look what you did...

You did this! Bad Hollywood! Bad!... Sit, Stay.

In film, the term 3-D (or 3D) is used to describe any visual presentation system that attempts to maintain or recreate moving images of the third dimension, the illusion of depth as seen by the viewer. The technique usually involves filming two images simultaneously, with two cameras positioned side by side, generally facing each other and filming at a 90 degree angle via mirrors, in perfect synchronization and with identical technical characteristics. When viewed in such a way that each eye sees its photographed counterpart, the viewer's visual cortex will interpret the pair of images as a single three-dimensional image. Modern computer technology also allows for the production of pseudo-3D films using CGI and without the need for dual cameras. The term "3-D computer gaming" refers to an altogether different technology and effect. READ MORE
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