Random Brotherly Hate

I used to think that the beef my brother and I had when we were growing up was pretty bad, but the level of hatred Mark Maguire's brother has for him has outshired every sibling rivalry across time...

(per ESPN.com)
A new book proposal, submitted by the admittedly estranged brother of Mark McGwire, claims the former major league slugger used both steroids and human growth hormone during his career...
Jay McGwire writes in his proposal that his brother "began to use, but in low dosages so he wouldn't lift his way out of baseball. Deca-Durabolin helped with his joint problems and recovery, while growth hormone helped his strength, making him leaner in the process. I became the first person to inject him, like most first-timers he couldn't plunge in the needle himself. Later a girlfriend injected him." READ MORE

Mark Maguire's fading hope to get into the HOF... RIP
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