
Ah, lovely update day. Well, aside from editing some more, there is little to report. Oh wait, I suppose I should tell you all that I have two bookstores willing to buy and sell my book here on the island. No big deal.

Wait, what am I saying? *fangirl squeal* That is just unbelievable! I know that our island is very devoted to using and promoting local artists, but I just assumed that that was for other people, not me. But under the advice of a friend, I went and talked to the owners of two bookstores here, expecting to be told to move along, but I got the exact opposite! They were thrilled with the opportunity to promote me and my book. Can you believe that?! I can barely believe it!

So now I have even more reason to really just grind myself into the editing process instead of slowly going through it like I have been. I love to edit, but I'm a perfectionist, so I have a very steady but almost leisurely pace. It means that I'm satisfied with the end result in less editing runs, but it also takes a bit longer for me to get through a single round, especially the last one.

Anyway. You may be wondering why I have a picture of tea on here. Well, I will answer that question for you. Wednesdays are the days that two of my awesome gal-pals come over for our weekly girl day. We have been doing this for a couple months now, because we never see each other otherwise, and it's always good to stay in contact with your friends. We used to do a girls night out to round out our Wednesdays, but there is just something wrong with a TTC/pregnant woman going to a bar, ha! (As a side note, we're not pregnant yet, and we may never be able to, but more on that later, perhaps it's own post? We'll see.)

We call Wednesday's our Wii Tea day, because we drink tea and eat lots of pastries, and play Wii. We have a lot of fun, and I can't wait until they get here! It's my turn to host it at my house, so I'm busy making sure all of Felicity's little toys are off the floor and I'm making beignets. I made some on Monday to try out my tweaked recipie, and they were AWESOME! So I'm making them again. Yummy!!

Keep on writing (or baking!)!!
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