Mars Needs Moms

Adapted from the children's novel by Berkeley Breathed and directed by Simon Wells, Mars Needs Moms follows Milo as he chases after his mother who's been stolen by Martians just a few hours after he told her he'd be better off without her. Once he arrives on Mars (by sneaking on the ship), he meets Gribble who informs him of his problem: the Martians are ruled by a ruthless queen-like Supervisor who's decided that the hatchlings must be divided: all males are thrown away into the dump and the females are raised by "nanny-bots" – robots programmed by the energy of good moms, like Milo's, from Earth. Milo and Gribble buddy-up and with the help of a rebel Martian named Ki, the three of them venture to save Milo's mom before it's too late. Coming from producer Robert Zemeckis and utilising the same motion-capture technology as The Polar Express, A Christmas Carol and Beowulf, Mars Needs Moms rushes forward, embracing its visually stunning universe without taking a moment to stop and breathe; children will definitely enjoy this one.
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