Maxi Mini

I'm having a schizophrenic space-out... a multi-personality moment that has been preventing me from getting dressed properly or liking anything that I wear the minute I leave the house. The only solution I can think of is to put on all my favourite styles at once and hope that somehow, this whole bag-lady meets Jackson Pollack meets Joey-wearing-all-of-Chandler's-clothes thing is somehow considered "fashion." Does that make sense? I told you I was having issues.

For anyone else who is of two minds all the time, or is bipolar or indecisive, ne'er fear, someone has invented the maxi-mini dress, a sartorial homage to the psychologically imbalanced among us, and not a bad one at that. And so you don't have to obsessively-compulsively debate the merits of shopping from your couch versus the disadvantage of paying high shipping costs, go ASOS, where shipping is free this Xmas season.
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